Qbil-Trade Knowledge Base

Qbil-Trade Knowledge Base

Manuals, frequently asked questions and tip & tricks for using Qbil-Trade.

For all your questions you can now consult our knowledge base. From onboarding and troubleshooting to general instruction and support questions. You can find the knowledge base in the settings menu (the three-dotted menu or also called kebab menu) at the top right of Qbil-Trade.

The Knowledge base is currently divided into three sections:

  • Getting started
  • FAQ
  • Tips & Tricks

The broad lines of the software have now been described and that is why we have decided to put the knowledge base live now. In the meantime, we will continue to complete and expand the knowledge base.

The knowledge base is currently only available in English. Translations into Dutch, German, French & Spanish will follow as soon as possible.

Tip: translate the page via your Google Chrome browser:

You can have the Knowledge base pages translated in the Google Chrome web browser.

  • Make sure to open the Knowledge page via your Google Chrome browser
  • Click Translate at the top (see image below)
  • Chrome now translates the web page once.