Web reports updated 

A new layout with the ‘last viewed’ section as a nice extra. You can now also quickly and easily share reports with your colleagues. And from now on, permissions for the web reports can be set from the web report overview. Not only per category, but now also per individual report.

Take a quick look at what has been updated

with step-by-step explanation

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New layout + Last viewed

The overview screen of the web reports has been updated, making this screen a lot clearer. With the nice extra section: Last viewed.
And look: now also a Trade section.

Sharing reports with each other – how do you do that?

Open the report you want to share with a colleague and click on ‘Details’

Select the user

Use the dropdown to find the colleague (or colleagues) with whom you want to share the report.

So like this: 

You can add multiple colleagues. But you first select one, then the other, etc.

Click on ‘save’

Colleague added? Click on ‘save’ and done!

rapporten delen

Grant permissions

From the overview screen, go to ‘manage report access’. Select the ‘individual users’ or ‘multiple users’ tab.

rapporten delen

Individual User

Select the user and report to which access should be given. Click on ‘save’ and done!

rapporten delen

Multiple users

With multiple users it is exactly the other way around. You first select the report and then the users who should have access to that report. You can give multiple users access to multiple reports at once. Don’t forget to click ‘save’!

Accelerate Your Trade

ERP software voor de handel in grondstoffen, ingredienten en additieven

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Qbil Software 
+31 (0) 318 50 20 26