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Some companies are still reluctant to work in the cloud. They are concerned about the security of their business data. And feel that their data is safer on a local server. But is that true?

That can be seen.

Because what if data that is not easily accessible can be downloaded by an employee to a usb stick, mobile phone or his or her personal public cloud account? How safe is your data then?

And what if your server park is outdated or not completely up-to-date configured. Are your company details secure in that case?

And then we haven’t spoken about the physical security of your business data yet. What if a fire breaks out? Or in the occassion of a burglary?

These are serious business risks that deserve your attention to make a good decision. For example, there are good arguments for choosing Qbil-Trade® Online: working online with Qbil-Trade® in Qbil’s private cloud:

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